Investor Service And Grievance Handling Mechanism

The Company has put in place a documented mechanism for investor service and grievance handling, with the Compliance Officer appointed by the Company for this purpose, being the important functional node and it is approved Board of directors.

Some of the key steps undertaken by the Company for handling Investor Grievances are enumerated as follows:

  1. The Company has a designated email id for handling investor grievances on which investor can make a complaint. This e-mail ID is mentioned on every communication being made by the Company with the shareholders and also put on the website of the Company.
  2. Also, an Investor can make a written complaint through letter addressed to company at 912, Indraprakash building, barakhamba road, new delhi-110001.
  3. Company Secretary will check the designated investor grievances e-mail ID on a daily basis to check whether any new complaint has been lodged.
  4. Full details of the complaint will thereafter informed to the Compliance Officer of the Company as soon as it isreceived.
  5. A correspondence either by letter or e-mail will be made with the investor who has submitted written complaints acknowledging receipt of the complaint.
  6. Corporate Secretarial Department will obtain all information available on the complaint which is considered necessary for a proper investigation. It looks into all the necessary information and undertakes to resolve them as soon as possible.
  7. The Company will follow the practice of resolving the investor complaint within 15 days of receipt of the same.
  8. Compliance Department will obtain all information available on the complaint which is considered necessary for a proper investigation. Look into all the necessary information and resolve the as soon as possible.
  9. The Company engages a practicing Company Secretary for doing Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit on quarterly basis. The Practicing Company Secretary issues a Compliance Certificate about delivery of share certificates after registration of transfer within Thirty days of the date of lodgment of transfer, on half yearly basis pursuant to Clause 47(c) of the Listing Agreement.
  10. The Status of receipt, redressal and pendency of all the complaints are placed before the Shareholders / Investors Grievance Committee.
  11. Status of redressal of complaints from MSE is informed to them through Letters / e- mail and if any telephonic enquiry is received from them, full details of the case and status of redressal are provided over phone.
  12. All the investor complaints/grievance received through SEBI by online “SEBI Complaints Redress System” (Scores) checked regularly and replied/resolvedexpeditiously.
  13. The company also notifies in its Annual Report to claim unclaimed dividends etc. by the investors/shareholders.